THANKS FOR 25 GREAT YEARS as a Certified Firearms Instructor

THANKS FOR 25 GREAT YEARS as a Certified Firearms Instructor


COMMAND PERFORMANCE FIREARMS celebrates Paul W. DeClark’s 25 years as a National Rifle Association Certified Firearms Instructor!  He holds the following instructor credentials:  Pistol; Rifle; Shotgun; Personal Protection (In the Home); Home Firearm Safety; Refuse to Be a Victim; and Muzzleloading Pistol, Muzzleloading Rifle, and Muzzleloading Shotgun, now all consolidated into the Muzzleloading certification.  He is also a Certified Range Safety Officer.

The State of Florida recognizes only two authorities for teaching the CWL course:  The NRA, and the state’s own “K” license.

Paul also offers private training; the “Next Steps” class for those wanting to go beyond the CWL basics; Family Firearms Safety; Teen Rifle; and a variety of other opportunities to learn and enjoy firearms.

Paul is also a 2nd Degree Black Belt and Life Member of the United States HapKiDo Federation, as well as a former police officer.  He brings all his life experience into his teaching content and style.

He can be reached at 941.504.9525 or