We offer the best self-defense handgun fundamentals course in the Venice, Florida area. Our SELF-DEFENSE HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS Course is much more than the basics, as we completely cover safety, firearms laws, self-defense scenarios, shooting fundamentals and all handgun functioning. Our CWL course consists of a three hour classroom covering the above information and much more, and attendees learn to make safe any handgun. The classroom is followed up with a 50 round one-on-one training at a local indoor range after which most students feel quite confident they can hit center of mass at ten feet. It is not necessary to own a gun prior to the class, and it is advisable to wait to purchase one until after the class. We will let you try several guns and supply 50 rds for an additional $45. $125. This class is available for private groups on some weekdays at a minimum rate of $350 for up to three people, and $125pp thereafter. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
This class is oriented to the special concerns many women have regarding use of force, family safety, concealed carry, general fears about guns, and much more. All carry handgun types and functions are covered. Newbies and Fraidycats are welcome (as are more experienced shooters). $150. It is not necessary to have a handgun- +$45 pp we will provide several to try and 50 rds ammo. Lead Instructor, Kelsey N. DeClark. Course is taught by two USCCA Certified Instructors. Call with questions and to register over the phone 941.504.9525. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
A two-hour mandatory classroom session in Venice Friday evening is followed by an all-day live-range session Saturday at Manatee Gun Club. Space is limited. This is a rain-or-shine outdoor event. You must provide your own functioning shotgun (a small number of rental guns are available if needed for class use or in the event of malfunction, $50). All necessary ammo is provided for use at the range, though you can bring extra in the event there is extra time for more shooting. 12g is preferred, but not mandatory. (20g and .410 bore are allowed but you must bring at least four dummy rounds, and your own ammo. Details given when you call to register.) Pump, semi-auto, double-barrel (O/O or side-by-side), lever or single shot guns are all allowed. Bring your own snacks, food and beverages. Bring your own eye and ear protection, which are required. Bring an old beach towel or small blanket for kneeling and prone shooting. No other firearms are permitted on the range, concealed or otherwise. Call with questions or to register over the phone 941.504.9525. NO REFUNDS.
Sometimes being careful is simply not enough… real estate pros face dangerous situations daily. We help you train and get licensed. This is our regular FL CWL Class with an added segment on dangerous situations you might face and how to handle them. Four-hour classroom portion is followed by 50-shot individual live range training, which we schedule at the time of registration, and is flexible for that day, other days during the week, or weekend. It is not necessary to own a gun to take the class. For an additional $45 you can try our guns and we provide 50 rds ammo. $145. Call with questions and to register over the phone 941.504.9525. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
Been awhile since you shot your handgun? Not feeling so confident if you needed to draw? Need to brush up on FL law? THIS CLASS IS DESIGNED FOR YOU! You may or may not have your carry permit but you know that your skills and confidence are not what they could or should be. We teach you the ins-and-outs of operating your handgun to its full potential. We will go over safety, ammunition types, FL law and self-defense tactics. Participants receive a valuable resource packet. You must provide your own self-defense suitable handgun and 50 rds ammo. (If you do not own your own handgun, we recommend our SELF-DEFENSE HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS OR WOMENS’ SELF-DEFENSE HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS courses.) Two hours classroom and 50 rds INDIVIDUAL live range training by appt.. HANDGUN AND HANDGUN EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR THIS CLASS. $99. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
Thankfully most of us will never experience a potentially deadly confrontation. When can/should I shoot? How will my body react to the threat? What else didn’t they tell me about being in a gunfight?
A three-hour classroom presentation/discussion is followed by optional 50 rounds individual live-range training. A Certificate of Training will be issued upon successful completion. Handgun experience required, but owning a handgun is not. Classroom only, $95. Add 50 rds individual live range training, +$45. If you would like to try or guns and we supply 50 rds ammo, add another $45 to the $140.
Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
The smoke is settling and the unthinkable just happened — you were in a gunfight. What should you do? How will your life change — legally, emotionally, financially, and socially? How do you protect yourself and your family from these continuing threats?
A three-hour classroom presentation/discussion is followed by optional 50 rounds individual live-range training. This class with the shooting portion satisfies the State of Florida training requirements to apply for the CWL (Concealed Weapons License). A Certificate of Training will be issued upon successful completion. Handgun experience required, but owning a handgun is not. Classroom only, $95. Add 50 rds individual live range training, +$45. If you would like to try or guns and we supply 50 rds ammo, add another $45 to the $140. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
Learn how to avoid and mitigate dangerous situations away from home and how to strategically defend yourself in your home.
A three-hour classroom presentation/discussion is followed by optional 50 rounds individual live-range training. This class with the shooting portion satisfies the State of Florida training requirements to apply for the CWL (Concealed Weapons License). Handgun experience required, but owning a handgun is not. Classroom only, $95. Add 50 rds individual live range training, +$45. If you would like to try or guns and we supply 50 rds ammo, add another $45 to the $130. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. $25 rescheduling fee. Transfers to eligible individuals is allowed.
Two-hour basic safety and skills class followed by parent and teen(s) shooting together .22LR rifle (our .22LR rifles or family-owned rifles and handguns on a case by case basis). Indoor range. Let your teens learn from a professional while you build that strong bond that families shooting together develops. $175 per adult plus $75 per teen. At least one shooter must be parent/grandparent/legal guardian. Register by phone with CC. 941.504.9525. Please note: no refunds of registration fees. One rescheduling is allowed, with $50 fee.
I come to your home and instruct your children, teens and you, the parent(s), on safe gun handling and storage, and basic in-home self-defense. We use your gun(s) if desired, supplemented by a sampling of ours. Includes consultation for developing a home defense strategy specifically for your home. Optional live range training available. Call to schedule with Credit Card. 941.504.9525 Please note: no refunds of registration fees. One rescheduling is allowed, with $50 fee.
It’s not something we mention much, but are you aware that we specialize in adaptive solutions to defensive gunfighting? Yes, whether it’s due to being bound to a wheelchair or other device, vision issues, or conditions such as amputation, arthritis or Parkinson’s which directly affect gun operation, we can help you find a solution that works — you can defend yourself! (Sorry, due to safety considerations we cannot assist severely hearing impaired and/or totally blind individuals.)
We will hold our SELF-DEFENSE HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS in your office during the week. Have a class that is exclusive to your employees, selected clients, or offered to your entire customer base. We come to your office for the classroom portion and then train each person individually at the range. Scheduling is handled by us and students choose a shooting time when they register. Lots of flexibility in scheduling and who is invited. We handle payment if you decide participants pay their own or a portion of the cost.
We hold “lunch and learn” presentations on topics relevant to Seniors and all citizens, followed by a fun shoot. Topics, times and costs vary. Call for details 941.504.9525.
Available for those who have completed any of our live fire courses. One 50rd session, $45. Training Package Special — four sessions (50 rds) for $175 (regularly $200). Couples Package — 6 sessions, $235 (regularly $300). In all cases prices assume using your gun, ammo, and range fee. Add $45 to use our guns and we supply 50rds of ammo.
We provide martial arts instruction in association with Revolutionary Martial Arts and Fitness in Venice.