Concealed Carry Classes Booming!

Concealed Carry Classes Booming!

Demand is strong for our Concealed Weapon License courses.  Next public course is Saturday Jan.16, in Venice, Noon – 3pm.

This is the most comprehensive course around, with 3 hrs. of classroom followed by 45-60 min. of individual live range training.  In fact, people who took “quickie” courses (and weren’t taught anything) will be best served by taking our CWL class rather than private instruction.

It is not necessary to own a gun as we let you borrow ours.  When you are ready to buy, we can help as fully licensed firearms dealers.

We can take your credit card info over the phone to secure your place this Saturday.  941.504.952520151229_145253 20160109_112825 20160108_111143 cwl class2